An Autumn Wreath Gathering

A few weekends ago I was lucky enough to teach my style of wreath making to a wonderful bunch of women (and even one man!). I took over the atmospheric workspace at Wattle and Daub, fittingly on the Autumn equinox. And filled the space with endless amounts of foliage and flowers foraged and dried by myself.

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Autumn Harvesting: Collecting & Saving Seeds

I’ve put together a short guide on how to gather and store seeds, with a few things that I have learnt along the way. I hope it encourages you to head out and find seeds of your own ready for next year.

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Create a Seasonal Floral Mobile

If you have reached this page because you follow me on Instagram then you'll probably know that I have a bit of a thing for hanging flowers through out my house. Pretty much every room has some sort of living "being"  hanging in it, be it air plants, house plants, dried flower wreaths or hanging vases.

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